Source code for djangocms_equation.cms_plugins

"""Module containing the plugins implementation."""

from cms.plugin_base import CMSPluginBase
from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from .forms import EquationForm
from .models import EquationPluginModel
from .settings import KATEX_EQUATION_SETTINGS

[docs]@plugin_pool.register_plugin # register the plugin class EquationPlugin(CMSPluginBase): """Implementation of the actual plugin.""" model = EquationPluginModel # model where plugin data are saved name = _("Equation") # name of the plugin in the interface form = EquationForm change_form_template = "djangocms_equation/change_form.html" render_template = "djangocms_equation/_equation_plugin.html" text_enabled = True text_editor_preview = True disable_child_plugins = True admin_preview = True fieldsets = [ (None, {"fields": ("tex_code",), "classes": ("tex_code_in",)}), ( _("Advanced settings"), { "classes": ("collapse", "advanced"), "fields": (("is_inline", "font_size_value", "font_size_unit"),), }, ), ]
[docs] def render(self, context, instance, placeholder): """Render the Plugin with self.render_template and the data in instance. Parameters ---------- context : dict [description] instance : EquationPluginModel Instance of the plugins Model placeholder : str [description] Returns ------- dict [description] """ if not self.is_in_text_editor(instance): instance.is_inline = False context.update( { "instance": instance, "placeholder": placeholder, "katex_allow_copy": KATEX_EQUATION_SETTINGS["allow_copy"], } ) return context
[docs] def icon_src(self, instance): """Return the path to an icon which is shown in the text editor. This is used in django-cms==3.4 only. Parameters ---------- instance : EquationPluginModel Instance of the plugins Model Returns ------- str Path to the icon. """ return "djangocms_equation/img/LaTeX_logo.svg"
[docs] def icon_alt(self, instance): """Return the alt text for the shown icon. This is used in django-cms==3.4 only. Parameters ---------- instance : EquationPluginModel Instance of the plugins Model Returns ------- str Path to the icon. See Also -------- icon_src """ if self.is_in_text_editor(instance) and instance.is_inline: format_str = "${tex_code}$" else: format_str = "$${tex_code}$$" return format_str.format(tex_code=instance.tex_code)
[docs] def is_in_text_editor(self, instance): """Check if the plugin was added to a text plugin. Parameters ---------- instance : EquationPluginModel Instance of the plugins Model Returns ------- bool: True if the plugin was added to a text plugin ('djangocms-text-ckeditor') or False if it was added to page as stand alone element. """ parent_plugin = instance.get_parent() if parent_plugin is not None and parent_plugin.get_plugin_name() == "Text": return True else: return False